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Everwell Hub

All-in-one platform to support adherence and the digital cascade of care

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The Everwell Hub is our comprehensive, integrated platform for adherence and patient management. Health care staff can log into a single portal to register and follow up with patients, whose adherence reports from any of our integrated technologies appear side-by-side including 99DOTS, evriMED devices, and VOT.

The Hub powers the Government of India's Nikshay platform which supports the full digitization of the cascade of care, and is used by every healthcare worker across the country for activities spanning patient management of details, diagnostics, adherence, digital payments, treatment outcomes, test results, and follow up.

The Hub is deployed as a tool for adherence management in ten other countries spanning three continents, as the only open source fully integrated adherence platform available.

Key features of the Hub


Digital Adherence Technolgies(DATs)

Our Integrated Adherence Module (IAM) integrates the world’s three main digital adherence technologies: 99DOTS, VOT, and evriMED/MERM devices. Our adherence module is a scalable system that allows providers to assign any DAT to a person, switch between DATs based on a predetermined logic, escalate reminders based on engagement, prioritize cases for follow up, and view reported engagements in a unified visual calendar.

Digital adherence technologies


Healthcare providers and doctors rely on a variety of diagnostic tools for effective, early detection and diagnosis of diseases. Our Diagnostics Module provides a unified workflow for providers to request test results for a suspected case, receive results from a host of compatible devices or tools, initiate treatment based on a final interpretation, view pending and received results by facility or geography, and drill down on results specifics per test per case. The Module has defined APIs to connect devices including the leading diagnostics machines and AI-based x-ray analyses.

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Virtual Care

While no interaction can replace a face-to-face consultation with a healthcare provider, a large percentage of people live far from clinics and would otherwise struggle to meet a healthcare provider on a regular basis. To support people where they are, the Everwell Hub promotes features and opportunities for virtual care. Starting with DATs, the Hub supports integrations with various communication channels to cater to people’s varying access to technology: SMS, IVR, toll-free phone lines, WhatsApp, and a smartphone application which allows for rich video-supported and text-based channels to communicate with healthcare providers remotely.

Virtual care

Person and Episode Management

The Everwell Hub models stages in the cascade of care as Episodes, where any individual Person record can be associated with multiple Episodes, and each Episode has several possible transition points (where ideally the closure of an Episode results from a positive treatment outcome). 

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Patient and episode management

Digital Payments

Government and programmatic schemes often allow for financial support to people undergoing treatment, or in support roles to those undergoing treatment. The Everwell Hub’s Digital Payment Module exposes workflows for authorizing payments based on the scheme logic, and integrating with payment systems to initiate payments directly to users. 

Digital payments

Reports and Analytics

The Everwell Hub is designed around simplifying data and synthesizing reports based on the intended audience. Data summaries, action prompts based on events, and prioritized task lists support field workers daily activities by highlighting priority follow up actions which can be viewed easily through the web portal or mobile application for field workers. Separately, the Hub exposes a more detailed interactive Reports module that includes visualizations and data exports based on filters for Episode status, Person demographics or Provider geography

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Reports and analytics

Get started with Everwell Hub

The Everwell Hub has been deployed globally in many different environments, customized for the programmatic setting and context of our implementing partners. To get started with the Hub, please contact us for a custom quote and start working with our world class team today!

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